Welcome! Volunteers are a treasured resource in our schools. Our District works with teachers, parents and community members to place volunteers in meaningful assignments. The needs range from reading with students to chaperoning field trips and the rewards for helping are priceless! Whatever your interest or time availability, we can find a place where you can help!
Barb Carr, Volunteer Coordinator
bcarr@vernoniak12.org / 503 429-5891

Vernonia School District does not process volunteer applications or run criminal history background checks for outside entities
that are not affiliated with the District.
- Listen to a child read
- Be a mentor
- Share special knowledge through lectures and demonstrations
- Help in the library, classroom or school office
- Assist the teacher with material preparation
- Chaperone field trips, school dances and other activities
- to involve more parents/community members in our schools
- to assist teachers in providing more individual help and instruction to students
- to relieve teachers of many non-teaching duties and tasks
- to strength school/community relations through positive participation
- to build an understanding of schools among citizens
- Dress and act appropriately while at school. As a volunteer you are a role model.
- Please do not bring other children with you to volunteer.
- Upon arrival, sign in at the main office and pick up a volunteer badge.
- If you are unable to volunteer at your scheduled time, contact the school office 503 429-1333.
- Always keep information about students confidential.
- Do not use this time to have personal conversations with the teacher about your child. Schedule a meeting outside the instructional day.
- Punctuality - always arrive on time for any volunteer activity
- Dependability - teachers and staff members rely on the services performed by volunteers. If you are unable to volunteer on your scheduled day, please contact the school so other arrangements can be made
- Confidentiality - volunteers must protect the teachers' and students' right to privacy. you may not disclose school affairs or personal matters which come to your attention. Discuss students only with the teacher or staff member you are working with.
The safety and welfare of our students is of primary importance. The District requires volunteers to:
- submit a Volunteer Application / Criminal History Background Check Authorization (see below)
- read the Volunteer Handbook and complete Online Training (click here). Registration Key Code: bb4ba746
Volunteer Approval is valid for three (3) years. At time of expiration, volunteers are required to re-apply.
SPECIAL SKILL OR EXPERIENCE? Do you have a special skill or experience that would make you the perfect volunteer? Let us know! (click here)

Vernonia Volunteers helping out on Vision Screening Day.